Friday, April 10, 2009

Sand fleas in Foley, Alabama

(Entries from Jean in white- my comments in Italics)
The road trip begins. It takes a while to get moving what with making sure everything is secured and putting the sliders in etc but we were on our way by 9 a.m. It was a gorgeous day again.

The drive took about 7 hours along wide, straight roads heading towards Alabama. We listened to a selection of Podcasts including one about a plague of rats in India and another about how the Americans spend billions of dollars each year on their pets. This includes clothing, medication (including anti-depressants!), hotels which provide individual suites with beds and TVs and of course, 'neuticals' - cosmetic surgery for neutered dogs to avoid them feeling inferior. Silicon is the preferred material but as this can be upwards of $1000, there are cheaper materials available - 2 balloons maybe?

Eventually we arrived at Bella Terra , a brand new RV site near Foley. When finished, it may well be a lovely site but with lots costing $135k - $155k and nothing included not even a picnic table, they may find the lots are hard to shift in the current climate.
Extras like gazebos come in at something between $11k and $29k!! We spent one night there (and unfortunately picked up sand fleas in the process) and ate the lovely Indian curry that Gordon had made the night before.

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